Sunday, November 6, 2011

Art Flakes

I've started posting prints on Art Flakes. I'll be adding more as time goes on!

buy posters and art prints

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monkey Dungeon

Hey guys,

Hope all is well. Today's images were commissioned by my friend Trick Kelly, originally for some t-shirts a few months back. Both ideas were his and I just doodled them out. The music one is the better illustration in my opinion and my favorite of the two.

But you guys should check out Trick's website. He is a professional street performer and sells professional quality, custom made straight jackets. And boy, his resume is a heavy one they've been used in all kinds of things from live shows, to television shows (most recently Community on NBC), and in music videos and such. Give it a look over, there is some fine bondage gear there too, if you're into that kind of stuff.

Monkey Dungeon Website

Well I hope you guys enjoy!

Friday, June 10, 2011

In Florida...

So I am officially a resident of Saint Petersburg, FL; just around the corner from Tampa... and the beach... and work, which is for a commercial art company. Getting to do graphic design on a professional level is going to be very strengthening to comics I hope. I'm hoping it will keep my on my toes, because if you aren't challenging yourself, then you aren't learning anything. I start work Monday and I am extremely excited... but I also have a small cold and/or allergies, no sure which . I hope it gets better by Monday. We'll see...

The image above is from an old sketchbook. I had just gotten my pocket brush and i just got a bit carried away...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scrodex the White

The photo above is one of my favorites of all time. I first discovered this photo when I was 15 or 16 and I've held onto it across at least 4 different computers. It just brings to mind so many questions. I want to know this kid's story and all the circumstances surrounding it; so I've decided that this kid was actually some kind of eccentric wizard named Scrodex the White.

In honor of it I decided to do a little sketch based on the photo. It doesn't look too much like him, but really my favorite part is that crazy hair and I think I did that justice at least.

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Couple of Knights

I've always loved those old plate helmets with the those long pointy beak-like visors. Other things I like: selling out at small conventions, getting a graphics design job in down town atlanta, and of course reading and drawing comics. So that's whats up with me, you guys done anything cool the last couple of nights?

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I finally graduated school. This comic was my final project. I've got some fun stuff coming up this year: Fluke, Heroes Con, and SPX. Not to mention I'm going to Belgium this summer. Being done with school feels good. Time to find a better job.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Self Portrait #2

Here's a self portrait I did a while back. It was inspired by this painting by James Ensor:

For those who don't know, Ensor is a Belgium Symbolist painter from the late 19th & early 20th centuries. Also with that self portrait I believe there might have been a small Kafka influence as well. For those who don't know who Franz Kafka is... go look it up.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hey guys! I do freelance illustrations for a company called Dominant Sound. Each year they do a non-profit music festival called Alphapalooza. It's in Tennessee and it is a rockin' show. Not only is the music top notch (underground bands like you've never heard in your life) but also there are BMX and motorcross courses, camping, rock-climbing, waterfall, swimming, and just about every outdoor activity you can think of short of Bubba making you squeal like a pig. Also, lots of booze and... ahem! (illegal drugs). Check it out guys, its only $40 dollars for an entire weekend of fun! Friday thru Sunday. Totally worth it. I'm going and we are going to be giving away free stuff (including drawings)!

Just go to and reserve your tickets today!

Mayhem in the mountains!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Robert Hughes

Robert Hughes is an art critic from Australia. He is very passionate about art and in the documentary "The Mona Lisa Curse" tells a very tradegic story of how he watched the art world turn from one ran by museums (who cared about beauty, progress, and art) to one that was ran by private art collectors (who only care about money). The documentary was first put out by the BBC and can be seen in full on youtube. In the film Hughes talks down over-rated "artists" such as Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol, and other pompous artists who have given the art world a stereotype of pretension and snobbery. He sees very much on level with myself and therefore has become one of my new favorite people. The documentary is sweet but also sad and is one that all artists and art enthusiasts should watch. Two thumbs up.

Guns Don't Kill People...

True story.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Two new books!

Kday and the Knight is a children's book about two friends with silent K's. They quickly find themselves in a mystery when they discover that someone is stealing the letters from the very book you are reading! Kday and the Knight climb out of their panels in order to scour the book and catch the culprit. Throughout this surreal world, they encounter suspects who divulge clues based on literary terms. Use your knowledge of the english language to help Kday and the Knight catch the letter-thief!

Buy it here:

Crow's Nest is a nautical-themed comics anthology, collected and edited by me (also I drew a story in there). Its a series of short stories and jokes by over a dozen amazingly talented artists from around the world (including the US, the UK, Brazil, Chile, and others)!

Buy it here:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Domestic Etch

Hey guys! If you haven't heard of Domestic Etch, you should check it out. Its a really awesome magazine that features contemporary artists and designers. Its really slick and really awesome! Right now they are having a giveaway contest.

Want to know more? Its as simple as googling Domestic Etch. Trust me, it will be worth your time.

The most recent issue is Valentine's Day and it'd be a great little gift for your boy or girl friend.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another 90 Minute Sketch

So I did another 90 minute sketch, this time Darkwing Duck meets Doctor Strangelove. Its very rare that someone can say they've done something that has never been done before. But I have. Never before in history have these two been mashed together in a single fan art. By being unoriginal, I have been completely original!!! Muhahaha!!! Strange how that works..?

Also, I decided to do a quick colored version as well. So that one is less of a 90 minute sketch and more like a 105 minute sketch.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Not sure why scarecrows are so awesome... but they just are. I think its some innate obsession for a kind of rustic Americana aesthetic. That mixed in with the whole supernatural aspect which gives them a darkness. And then there is the Wizard of Oz series, which of course just made scarecrows freaking amazing in the first place. Well, whatever it is, I'm going to keep drawing them.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I've been doing some timed drawings for practice.

The drawing above is Franky from Goon. This was a 90 minute sketch done primarily with microns. It turned out okay, the shoes are weird but besides that I'm fairly happy with it. I've been getting so much faster at drawing, its awesome!

The drawing above was a 30-minute drawing. Obviously inspired by Simon and Garfunkel. This was done with a nib and india ink.

Both of these were both off the top of my head with no forethought. Its really good practice to have to think and design in the moment. Then when you are doing a real illustration you will be able to work faster.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Caring Is Cool

This is a poster I did for actress/comedian/musician Charlyne Yi's group Caring Is Cool.

Ink & Watercolor.

I did this whole illustration and then I looked at the watercolor pad that I was using and on the front is a giant painting of a hot-air balloon. But I hadn't noticed it at all up until that point, this is just an old pad of watercolor paper I had found in my house. I wonder if it subliminally encouraged me to draw this?

However I have been on a Wizard of Oz kick lately as well. So that might have also encouraged the hot-air balloon idea.

Anyways, I've got some good things in the works, hopefully some cool stuff will be coming out soon.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Self Portrait

Workin' workin' workin' here those doggies workin'
workin' workin' workin' RAW HIDE!