Sunday, December 19, 2010


So Christmas is right around the corner and I've been too busy to even buy any presents yet. I got a job working at an arts and crafts store and I've been working full time. On top of that I've been doing more freelance illustration for the Alphapalooza music festival. So I've been keeping very busy. Very Berry Busy. That would be the name of my energy drink that distorts time. You would drink it and it would give you so much energy you would move at near the speed of light, allowing you to perceive time differently from the rest of the people on earth. Then, by the time you've gotten all your chores done you realize that everyone you've ever know is dead and gone and that it is in fact hundreds of years in the future. I think it would help people to appreciate their lives a bit more and realize that they shouldn't stress over little things like school and work... don't think it would sell very well though...

Monday, November 29, 2010

So today I caught the black plague and I was like, "What!?" but then this wizard gave me an antidote and I was like, "Yes!" And then I gave him a high-five and he turned invisible and then left. Or at least I think he left... Hmm...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nothing Interesting... DO NOT READ!

So this one time I was totally going to the store. And I was there... I was at the store. And I was looking at the things at the store... The things that they sell at the store, those things at the store, you know? And then this guy, the same guy who works at the store, and is always at the store, came up to me at the store. "May I help you?" said the guy at the store and I said "Fuck you! You're not my real father!" to the guy at the store and then we both cried for a long time... at the store. And that's the end of the story that takes place at the store.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

An Entire Sketch Book in 10 Weeks

Ever tried to fill an entire sketchbook in 10 weeks? Its really monkey-fightin hard, especially when you've got tons of other stuff on your metaphorical plate. Most of the book is just me scribbling, but there are a few gems in there.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sold My Soul Today...

So I sold my soul today... I finally got a Twitter...

I always hated Twitter since I first heard about it. First of all it just seems pointless. Secondly, it feels so self-absorbed to use it the way a lot of people do, "OMG! These brownies are delicious!" Guess what... I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! However, there are some really hilarious people on there, like Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. But that isn't why I got one. My friend Jeremy Nguyen (check his work out at Jeremy Wins Life) was telling me that it is a really good way to get your work out into the world. He claims that is has done more good than Deviant Art or anything else he's tried. So... yeah, I got an account there and now I'm a twat, but I don't care, see!

Anyways, if you have one then follow me (!/Papposilenos)... if you don't have one... then make fun of me, A LOT.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Inklanders & Capitalism Fasting

The above image is the Inklanders, inhabitants of the land of spilled ink...

~Capital Fasting~

This morning I made a pledge to myself. I wanted to see how long I could go without buying something; see how long I could last without buying another piece of thing which I would loose under my pile of stuff. Our lives are so driven by selling and buying that it is nearly impossible to escape. I soon realized I needed to go make more prints and I had to go see a movie for a class, both which require me to buy stuff.

I considered if I could get someone to buy these things for me and then I gave them the money would count. But I decided it doesn't.

I can't even get an entire day into this new capitalism fasting. Now, I'm not dumb (suuuuuure), I realize that in order to stimulate the economy, you need to buy things. But this was simply a cultural experiment that has seemed to fail as quickly as it began.

And I won't lie, this spawned from the fact that I have no real job or any money. I've got some ideas to change that but for now I'll just have to deal with it, I guess...

More work to come soon!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


So I finally created an Etsy account to sell some framed originals and some prints as well. If you follow me on deviant art, you might recognize part of the drawing above. The guy on the bottom there is BB King, one of the greatest blues guitarists and guitarist in general to ever live!

If you don't know me well, music is one of my favoritesterest habits. I call it a habit because I'm addicted. I know people hate it when someone says this but, "I like all music" and for the most part I mean it. Blues is definitely at the top of the list and Blues & Folk have influenced my work a lot and if you know what I'm talking about let me hear an AMEN!

But anyways, this full piece hasn't been featured anywhere else online yet so this is your first glimpse at it. Hope you like it and if you're interested in buying anything check out my ETSY at:

All purchases come with a free sticker and a little ol' letter (and sketch) from me. If you buy a framed original I'll also throw in a few signed prints and other goodies in there to go along with it. Remember guys, Christmas will be here before you know it!!!

And, of course, all proceeds go to the Make A Wish For Me Not To Be So Broke All The Time And Have Some Money To Spend On Useless Things That Will Ultimately Inspire Me And Fuel Me To Do More Illustrations, Comics, and Movies Foundation.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

About a fortnight ago, I went to Dragon Con. A couple of days me and my brother stayed with a friend who goes to Georgia Tech but the other days we took Marta (the train) downtown. On the last day of riding Marta we had to wait a good 15-20 minutes for our train to arrive, so in order to amuse myself I did a dash of graffiti on this large metal fan that they put down there to combat the sweltering southern heat.

So just today I get a text message from a friend who sends me a photo. If you look closely at the left wing of the buff angel, someone came in with ball-point pen and tried to fix the wing. The funny thing is... I really like what they did. I was trying to do some weird perspective on the wing that matched with the character's stance, but what this girl or guy did looks so much better.

It actually feels really great to be connected to a complete stranger in such a minuscule way. Its like my mitten has been worn by someone else and I can still feel the warmth from that other hand. What I'm trying to say is, mittens are warm and Atlanta is hotter than hell...? Well, whatever the moral is, go out and inadvertently collaborate on drawings with complete strangers. Its mankind's way of waving to you from across the busy street of life.