So I finally created an Etsy account to sell some framed originals and some prints as well. If you follow me on deviant art, you might recognize part of the drawing above. The guy on the bottom there is BB King, one of the greatest blues guitarists and guitarist in general to ever live!
If you don't know me well, music is one of my favoritesterest habits. I call it a habit because I'm addicted. I know people hate it when someone says this but, "I like all music" and for the most part I mean it. Blues is definitely at the top of the list and Blues & Folk have influenced my work a lot and if you know what I'm talking about let me hear an AMEN!
But anyways, this full piece hasn't been featured anywhere else online yet so this is your first glimpse at it. Hope you like it and if you're interested in buying anything check out my ETSY at:
All purchases come with a free sticker and a little ol' letter (and sketch) from me. If you buy a framed original I'll also throw in a few signed prints and other goodies in there to go along with it. Remember guys, Christmas will be here before you know it!!!
And, of course, all proceeds go to the Make A Wish For Me Not To Be So Broke All The Time And Have Some Money To Spend On Useless Things That Will Ultimately Inspire Me And Fuel Me To Do More Illustrations, Comics, and Movies Foundation.